Awkward Moments in Porn
I can’t write and maybe thats a good thing
Because we live to serve… if you pay us. And then you record us and make it all back in ad revenue FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!!!!! some skinny anime doll-girl being an idiot: And now for the COUP DE GRACE: a redhead who SMILES and doesn’t murder her pussy with […]
I cannot figure out if this guy is black, white, or if it’s two dudes with the same girl and their sex tapes are just mashed together. It’s like the black and blue/gold white dress except more confusing– maybe I am just colourblind and completely unracist, or maybe he got […]
Clearly, this is a case of man-envy. She wants to cum like a man, which is ridiculous because male orgasms suck. They are shorter than women’s and they can’t come four times in five minutes because their balls and such are designed to be lame and get you pregnant, which […]
I have never been raped, but I imagine that it probably feels like this video.
There is nothing better than erasing stigma. Especially when that stigma is preventing girls from unleashing their potent sexuality, because girls are horny creatures. May all girls watch this and know. The weirdest moment of this video is at 7:00 when the girl is really going at it and you […]
My bitch is fading away and I need a new one. He bores me and is a bully. I don’t want to suck his dick no more. A stagnant fatass took pictures of my earlobe and butt for two hours today and paid in double fudge blizzards at Dairy Queen, […]
There’s a paper- thin slit where her asshole is supposed to be. Fuck Me Hard if You Can Handle it free sex video
You might not want to see some of these pictures. One of those ‘wow they’re just regular people god im not so ugly after all’ albums for insecure people like myself. See the rest:
This guy is a twat but she is beautiful like eggshell porcelain. My first anal basically felt like I was doing the plank for 20 minutes while someone tickled my intestines. This was an unexpected form of pain. Now I love anal. I love the feeling of infinite penetration; this […]