Driving around with a naked chick in your car is hot and exhilarating. The soccer moms get jealous and horrified while the truck drivers and other men that pass by are appreciative at viewing the unexpected surprise titties. Although if you’re the one driving, I give you props if you can concentrate on the road. Especially while getting head. But you guys are pros, you seem to do it effortlessly.
I drove around topless one time. I got a lot of smiles and motions to pull over. None of the people really did it for me so I didn’t pull over, but I was having a lot of fun. That is until one of my ex boyfriends pulled by in a van and at a red light was hanging out his window to look at me. That killed my mood, I put my shirt back on and went in a different direction when the light changed. Perhaps the whole thing would have gone better had I ventured out of my small town, but 19 year olds don’t typically think things all the way through.
I want to hear about your vehicular sex stories. Talk to me at madammeow@drunkenstepfather.com.
Caroline Behind The Scenes brought to you by MadamMeow
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