Lady Vs Vaccuum
This is weird fucking fetish…that I am sure housewives having been fucking with since the invention of the vaccuum….fucking the shit cuz you’re husband is out fucking the secretary….it’s American nuclear family way…Awesome bush…
This is weird fucking fetish…that I am sure housewives having been fucking with since the invention of the vaccuum….fucking the shit cuz you’re husband is out fucking the secretary….it’s American nuclear family way…Awesome bush…
Nothing says CHRISTMAS like a package from Granny…or maybe like the package that is granny….because granny has years of experience. can’t get pregnant thanks to menopause and a pussy loose enough to make you last longer…granny is a fucking babe…just thinking about all her kids and what went wrong with […]
Maybe it’s just me, but the set designer on this set is lacking a little creativity on this one, making for this vile, rough, dirty, sex with some girl with no self respect, far less romantic as it could be…you know if she was on a sail boat or in […]
I know everytime I am taking a shit in a public bathroom…the first thing that comes to mind is that it is the ideal place to have sex….I mean so much hygiene in one place…I just might as well cum all over it….but at the same time….everytime I see a […]
I doubt this is a real girlfriend getting fucked…but more likely an aspiring pornstar trying to get some money and exposure…in efforts of launching a serious porn career, cuz once you fuck on camera…you’ve fucked on camera….but you know what…she’s kinda hot…in a big natural titty getting her hair pulled […]
Well – this is really fucking weird…it’s just one of those…what was going on when someone thought “let’s spend the money making this genius concept I’ve had floating around of a Japanese girl fucked by a tribal village….that’s into snorting powder”….it’s all the rage…what everyone is into…fucking strange…
I am gonna go out on a limb here and say this is not this girl’s first time getting fucked up the ass…but it could very well be her first time getting fucked up the ass for money and in video…because that’s just what happens now…when girls get into porn…it’s […]
Christy Mack Gets Fucked while smoking a cigar and she does a really fucking good job of it. Possibly the future of famous as fuck pornstars…I don’t even wonder what went wrong in her life…I am just happy…shit went wrong as she gives a smoked filled blowjob…Amazing…
You know what..I may fuck on webcam this weekend…I’ve decided it is time to share with the world just how pathetic I am…but more importantly…I think it is a public service to parents everywhere as to the horrors of webcams…because when girls pull shit like this…it makes me feel like […]
I hate cops, but that’s probably because I’ve never been violated by one…
I’ll watch anyone fuck…but I like it best when she has dead eyes…you know no soul…cuz life’s run her through the ringer…
Porn, what is it good for….I guess pretty much everything…I don’t know how I feel about the set design on this video of a young looking girl celebrating her birthday…by having sex with a creep…but as a creep…I can appreciate it.