that’s right perverts. bonnie recently stated on twitter that she is selling a bikini that she wore in one of her scenes, i posted a screencap of the tweet below, or you can view it by clicking heeeeeere. in approximately 29 hours female performer of the year bonnie rotten’s purple bikini that she wore in the amazingly titled joey silvera movie ‘babysit my ass 3’ could be yours. that means in about 3 days, depending on your location, you could be wearing bonnie rotten’s cum and squirt soaked bikini top while masturbating yourself into a frenzy, as you watch bonnie wear the VERY same bikini while she gets fucked by a b-lister named will powers. SWEEEEEET! bidding is currently at 227.50, as i’m guessing the masturbators will be closely attached to their computers tonight as the bidding draws nearer to it’s end. in bonnie’s initial tweet she actually stated that she wore it in a movie called ‘Studio A, but upon further research (google) i found it not to be true. uh-uh bonnie. sorry. anyways you can bid on bonnie’s bikini here, and you can check out bonnie’s movies on any tube site on earth, retard. go look.


such a cute pose

work it girl

annnnnnnd scene.