PH SWEET-OOPS DICKRIDERS SCENE2 brought to you by PornHub
The beginning of this porn is the most important part. The intro music brings me back to a time, of fearless sex, broken condoms, mounds of cocaine, and spandex. All in all the porns actually really good, the acting is fun to watch, its quite over acted.. You get to see a shaving scene which is always hot, a girl that’s well maintained back in those times is pretty rare to find. I’ve been digging the oops anal scenario, because i think its one of the biggest asshole moves you can do to a girl. If a girls trusting you enough to fuck her bareback, and then out of nowhere you break that trust by thrusting your dick deep inside her brown eye unexpected, well… that makes you a badass. Don’t expect to get a call back, but if you do she’s a keeper. Keep that shit in mind.