The Adele Sex Tape Was A Fraud…a Fake….a Lie….a porn video posted in May 2011….and Now I’m Forced to watch BBW porn to get my fucking fix of big belly bouncing on dick….not that I ever have to get my fucking fix of fat chicks…since I’m married to one…but Adele got me all excited to watch how she got vocal cord damage due to dick sucking eagerly like fat chicks tend to do before you marry them as to not be alone….
This is the Adele look a like sex tap the was misrepresented as the Adele sex tape….if you really want to see it….even though fat chick porn is only good when the fat chick just won 6 Grammys cuz actual fat chicks are disgusting….
The life lesson in all this is that eating disorders are good and to never trust sex tape claims…it’s usually just some asshole trying to get attenton to himself…something I’d do if I was smarter about things…cuz creating fake stories is better than posting them